Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Ode to a Weekend

Can I say that this weekend was one of my favorites in recent history? I guess it's my blog, so I'll go ahead and say it without waiting for outside approval. I felt like that's something I needed to recognize and communicate- and I guess I'm doing it publicly again, after a long blogging hiatus.

This weekend obviously doesn't compare with a great 10 days spent with family over the holidays, but it stands out among my 'normal' weekends. It felt full and productive.

(For those who don't know my life/work schedule, my weekends consist of Sundays, Mondays and Tuesdays, a detail that sometimes put me out of the loop of connecting with people like others do on 'more normal' weekends. That will explain part of the reason why my people connections this wkd were so meaningful)

-I had 3 really good coffee appointments with some guys over the last couple days. The conversations were a mix of business and fellowship, and offered an outlet to a side of me that has been longing for deep and meaningful conversation- beyond sports and work and trivial stuff. These appointments represented a level of intentionality in relationship and life-stewardship that I've needed to pursue. I look forward to see the fruit of those conversations manifest itself in days to come.

- I put 10 miles on my Jim-ometer via the treadmill Sunday and today as I continue to prepare my body for another half-marathon in May. It feels good to exercise.  I also burned up my arms and abs with some circuit training exercises yesterday. It feels good to see and feel progress.

- I heard a great sermon Sunday on the biblical and balanced approach to the discussion of homosexuality. I wrestle with how to authentically and sincerely love people and disagree fundamentally with certain viewpoints. I think it was addressed with a balance of grace and truth that I haven't seen communicated well in other forums. Check it out for yourself.
(and if you appreciate that one, here's  another great sermon in the same series on responding to marijuana as Christ-followers from two weeks ago)

-I love movies and I saw a great one today... American Sniper. With zero desire to make any type of political statement, I appreciate the sacrifice and dedication of soldiers who put themselves on the line for their country, families, and freedom. Whether this movie truly depicts the intricate details of Chris Kyle's life, service and death, all I know is that there was dead silence as the credits rolled and video footage of his funeral played in theater.

-I got to sleep in, more than I do on my work days. That's always a good thing. 

I thought today, as I raced around from appointment to appointment, that this was a busy and full weekend for me. There wasn't a ton of down time, something I'm discovering is what introverts like me need to carve into busy schedules.

But I recognize the goodness and life that comes from spending time on meaningful and productive things. (definitely not saying that all movies necessarily or automatically fall in those categories-but some are more inspiring and life-giving to be sure). And sometimes good and productive things, and checking stuff off the list can be as refilling to introverts as disconnecting from the chaos and vegging a bit.

Here's to more great weekends!

If you can't tell, too, I'm processing more and more what it means to be a healthy introvert. After spending years of public ministry and private contemplation wondering why always being with people drained me when some people thrive on it, I'm learning to understand myself and my own needs. Another good thing...

I don't know if introverts are given to blogging regularly, so I'm not sure how often this will happen, but it felt good to process out loud.  Thanks for reading.

(This blog resurgence is, in part, a product of the renewal of my own heart. And with that thought, I've been listening to a iTunes playlist I made, appropriately labeled 'Renewal.' Here's the song I've been digesting and internalizing more than any other on the list. Enjoy)


rebecca January 21, 2015 at 4:57 AM  

"Life stewardship." I like that phrase and concept. I sense the refreshment you've experienced from the intentional (and probably some unintentional) activities.

And yes, introverts DO blog. Many of us.

Gary January 21, 2015 at 5:04 AM  

I'm glad you had this great weekend. I enjoyed reading your perspective. It always helps to understand more and more about ourselves.

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